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Fathom Chat

Sceenshot of Fathom Chat

Accessing the Fathom Chat

Fathom chat can be used to communicate with other users in your organization including, other students, teachers, administrators, etc. To access Fathom chat, head over to your account dashboard. You can find a link to your dashboard by clicking your account name in the top right of your screen and selecting the dashboard option. Once in the Fathom dashboard, click the chat button on the left side of your screen.

Creating Custom Chat Groups

You can create groups to include multiple people that you need to chat with. From the Fathom chat, click on the groups tab. Next click "Create Group" and enter a name for the group. Finally, enter the users that you want to add to this custom group.
*Note: To add a user to your custom group, they must be in the same organization as you.*

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